A Show of Solidarity

During a mandatory “structural racism” class at UCLA medical school, a pro-Hamas guest speaker led students in chants of “Free, Free Palestine” and demanded that they bow down to “mama earth” for a prayer. [More]

This is like telling Mao to hold your beer.

Forget the establishment clause. Now put down your fork and raise that fist — or else!

That there was compliance instead of an angry mass walkout tells us much. It figures the program is headed by a pediatrician.

[Via Michael G]

The Medicine We’ve Been Taking Doesn’t Taste Very Good, Does It?

A wave of open Jew-hatred by medical professionals, medical schools, and professional associations in the wake of the Hamas slaughter suggests that a field entrusted with healing is becoming a licensed purveyor of hatred [More]

Boy, we know what that’s like.

So– when will we see a change in alliances?

[Via Michael G]

First Do Harm?

St. Louis pediatrician explains how to talk with your kids about mass violence … “This might be going online and finding organizations that promote school safety, that promote sensible gun legislation that promote things that will make kids feel that they’re doing something to prevent this ever happening again,” he said. [More]

Convince them you’re a pu$$y who can do nothing to protect them?

Goats have kids. I called mine cubs.

[Via bondmen]

An Offering to the Gods

But now, some doctors are restarting donors’ hearts after a planned cardiac arrest when life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn — meaning that the cardiac arrest wasn’t necessarily irreversible — and then causing brain death so that beating hearts can be harvested. [More]

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I wonder if this might be another indicator of why gunquacks are bent on upping risks through disarmament…

[Via Michael G]

AMA Assault Science Weapon of Choice in Mass Shillings

Mass public shootings in the US account for a small fraction of all firearm-related homicides, but have an outsized role in stoking the public’s concern with firearm violence. [More]

Yeah, thanks to elites-funded hysterical “agenda science” amplified by an equally hysterical (and reliably ignorant) DSM.

Doctrinaire disarmament propagandists Philp J. Cook and John Donahue (Piled Higher and Deepers each) sure use a lot of words to spook the herd on a threat that takes fewer lives than fists and feet. And the gunquacks (funny, we were just talking about them) at the equally agenda-driven AMA are delighted for another chance to posture and preen as leaders.

Those are my broad strokes on the matter. I’m hoping our friends Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. and the good docs at DRGO decide to give us something more scholarly to push back with…

Hat tip to John Richardson, who sent me this information, and has put together quite a nice write-up that factors in Bruen. This is one of the things I like about those in “our movement” who do it right– the object is to help each other fight the best fight possible.

Panel to Stalin: Hold Our Beers

Health Panel Recommends Anxiety Screening For All Adults Under 65 [More]

Sometimes, the old ideas are the best ones!

I don’t have time to check political sympathies on all of them, but it’s instructive to note the Chair and the two Vice Chairs were all appointed after Biden took office…

The gunquacks for due process-free prior restraints and confiscations are gonna have a field day with this one!

[Via Jess]

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