File This Under ‘WTF?’

Hospital employee arrested after 39 guns, ammo found in office closet [More]

I can’t really find anything about the guy aside from this story, but the bottom line from what’s been reported is he’s facing years in prison, he hasn’t hurt anybody, and if the stuff was his, unless and until he abuses others with it, it’s his birthright to have

Could be he’s a lunatic. Without due process before disarmament, we can’t legitimately tell.  And New Jersey “Only Ones” aren’t exactly the benchmark to use…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “File This Under ‘WTF?’”

  1. There isn’t a hospital in the country that supports 2A rights. The vast majority won’t even allow their security officers….many of which are retired LEO….to be armed even while on the job. This guy had to know he was violating hospital policy. And in New Jersey the Second AMENDMENT isn’t a right. It’s an excuse to persecute the citizenry if they exercise it.

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