We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough

Just Doing Her Job… Female FBI Agent Slept with Target Barry Croft in Hotel, in Same Bed, During Training Weekend Paid for by FBI and Smoked Pot with Him in FBI-Hatched Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax [More]

Well, we always knew they went after low-hanging fruit. And, apparently, hung juries.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough”

  1. If hopping into the saek and smoking weed are not “entrapment” type activities, I cannot imagine what else would be, other than large volumes of alcohol.

    SHE should be put on trial for her illegal use of a Schedule One Prohibited Substance. We HAVE her freely admitting such activity on a legally preserved record that is unassailable.

    Sauce for the goose………..

    Our tax dollars hardly working.. Dontchya just HATE this?

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