Operation Enthusiastic Tyranny

Now, we have learned that ATF is sending Warning Notices (included below) to individuals who have purchased FRT’s on GunBroker from the user “rifleremedy2000,” but it’s not clear how ATF has acquired purchaser records or whether ATF itself is operating the account. It appears that ATF’s contact with these purchasers is part of “Operation Reticent Recall,” a name we learned from the top of an “Interview Questionnaire” that has been sent to some of our clients. [More]

They don’t sound very reticent… as evidenced by their squeeze on “rifleremedy2000” as explained by Washington Gun Law President William Kirk.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Operation Enthusiastic Tyranny”

  1. William Kirk is a retard he praises a kid that has illegally smuggled solvent traps from China and willingly sold these solvent traps with the jig. All of the above are illegal unless the device is manufactured in the United States and sold without the jig. The jig can o ly be sold with a form 1. I was visited by the atf due to rifleremedy2000 whose real name is Colin from Austin Texas this kid is a federal informant and won’t speak on the Chinese solvent traps because that’s why he was raided umong other things. Everyone is just taking this kids word for it with no factual evidence Colin is a shitbag and a disgrace to the 2A community and a flat out snitch just like gunbroker who’s willingly giving the atf customer information that’s being cross referenced by the atf and rifleremedy2000

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