Gun Theft Highlights Cognitive Dissonance of Democrat L.A. Mayoral Candidate

That “cash, electronics and other valuables” were “left behind” suggests that the object of the break-in was to get the guns, making fair the question of who knew Bass had them and how it is that they knew. [More]

It sounds like there’s a lot more to this story than has been revealed, but even if there’s not, the in-your-face hypocrisy alone ought to disqualify this self-serving hypocrite from office. Which means L.A. Democrats will be lining up to vote for her in droves…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Gun Theft Highlights Cognitive Dissonance of Democrat L.A. Mayoral Candidate”

  1. Name in news? Check

    Gun related? Check

    Opprobrium for possessing evil guns? Nope Rather the sympathy card for being robbed (even though likely by an acquaintance) After all she is one of the ‘ruling class only ones professional enough to acquire, possess and presumptively use guns.

    Shoe in for office? Yep

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