Bipolar in Florida

TPD renews gunshot detection system as NYC audit casts doubt on ShotSpotter accuracy [More] Despite the fact that “in more than 80 percent of its activations, no one called 911.” What else would we expect from a Bloomberg city, which makes this all the more difficult to explain… [Via Edmund M]

We’re the Only Ones Unhurried Enough

Residents criticize SLMPD for 13-minute response to shooting [More] Why did it even need to be called in, with ShotSpotter on the job…? It’s also fair to ask what personal choices Precious Jones, who “started the Breaking Generational Poverty Foundation in hopes of stopping gun violence,” and her family could have made differently over the … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Unhurried Enough”

Cui Bono?

However, this week saw a particularly confusing moment when, after calling the anti-crime program ShotSpotter “racist,” Johnson asked the company to extend its contract beyond the upcoming Democratic National Convention. [More] But he seemed so adamant… I wonder what “per$uaded” a change of heart to break a campaign pledge and extend racism… ? Forget it, … Continue reading “Cui Bono?”


Mayor Brandon Johnson announced Tuesday that he won’t renew the city’s controversial contract with ShotSpotter, making good on a key campaign promise to do away with the gunshot detection system that has come under heavy fire for allegedly being overly costly and ineffective. [More] Kinda like what David Chipman would have brought to ATF… Man, … Continue reading “FraudSpotters”

We’re the Only Ones Mechanical Enough

ROBO COP NYPD ditches its $12,500 Times Square subway police robot after only four months – and some commuters say good riddance [More] Knightscope looks to be every bit the Democrat-enabling plunder-waster as ShotSpotter. And, considering who frequents where it’s located, it’s got me wondering about that button the public is supposed to touch for … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Mechanical Enough”

The Philadelphia Story

The Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) has deployed SHOTPOINT®, Databuoy’s life-saving gunshot localization and detection system, to help reduce gun violence throughout the City of Philadelphia. [More] So… how many lives has it saved, and how much “gun violence” has it reduced? Or are we just talking about another boondoggle to reward favored lobbyists with tax … Continue reading “The Philadelphia Story”


The FOX 8 I-Team has found a high-tech system aimed at getting guns off the streets almost never leads to an arrest. We investigated since Cleveland City Hall spent millions of dollars to alert police to gunfire more quickly. [More] They needed a whole “team” to figure that out…? Good rule of thumb: When David … Continue reading “FraudSpotter”

Unsound Thinking

Bay Area crime tech firm ShotSpotter rebrands as stock tanks with new Chicago mayor [More] What they call it won’t mask the fact that it’s an expensive boondoggle for Democrat cities that want to look like they’re “doing something.” Maybe along with the “rebranding” they need a new spokesman: [Via DDS]

Fools and Your Money are Soon Parted

Harris County says ShotSpotter gunfire-detecting device has made a difference [Watch] Sure it has. Chipman’s buddies now have $800K more from the public trough. And just look at those talking heads regurgitate whatever those they’re supposed to be watchdogging tell them, all with practiced looks of sincerity and concern. I’m wondering if there is anything … Continue reading “Fools and Your Money are Soon Parted”

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