A Feature, Not a Bug

…members are in the dark as to how to follow the new law…. “The systems aren’t in place and the interpretations aren’t in place.” [More]



[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Feature, Not a Bug”

  1. When the illiterates in Massachusetts pass a new gun law, men are right to be concerned. Some of its more recent Profiles in Pettifoggery have resulted in laws that:
    1) Required a trigger lock to be installed on Capt. John Parker’s musket, hanging from the rotunda of the Senate chambers (until they “renovated” it away in 2018);
    2) Criminalized participation in patriotic parades where veterans marched with their rifles, or even with replica (nonfunctional) rifles;
    3) Required all handguns sold in the state to have FAILED (not passed) the “drop safety” tests prescribed in the bill.

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