One thought on “About Today’s Conference”

  1. The most dangerous of our opponents are not “f-ing idiots.” The most dangerous ones, the Schumers and Pelosis are smart. Further, they don’t oppose us because they don’t understand what the Framers intended with the Second Amendment in particular, or the Bill of Rights in general.

    Rather, they oppose us because they disagree on a fundamental level with the very idea of limits on government. Long story short, they are the very embodiment of the reason why the Anti-Federalists insisted on having something like what became the Bill of Rights. And like Mike’s definition of the difference between a Socialist and a Communist being possession of an AK47 and the willingness to use it, they intend to control the reins of government power and to expand that power as far as they can.

    “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters”
    ― Daniel Webster

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