Allred/All Blue?

Allred set to launch Texas Senate run against Cruz [More]

How is he on guns?

How do you think?

The “Californiaing” of Texas won’t help either, especially since:

“The people coming to Texas are on the younger side. And young people, on average, have more progressive views on a number of social issues.”

This guy looks more dangerous than Beto and it looks from voter data like Cruz is going to be in for the political fight of his life. On the whole, women, “progressives,” and minorities will be Allred’s for the taking. And out-of-state Bloombergians, celebrities, and Silicon Valley tech lords are licking their chops and ready to pour in gazillions.

So, what’s the counter-plan?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Allred/All Blue?”

  1. Slicker and smarter than the fake Mex, this guy is trouble.

    He kicked out long timer Pete Sessions to get to the House and sits in a secure D/Commie district.

    Watch him pull $100 mil in state plus outside money.

    TX at best is purple (hell I hate that color) and is at a tipping point. It will be all about abortion and ‘taking our guns’.

  2. These types never make much headway in blood red Texas…But his campaign will boost some local advertising companies….so there’s that..

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