An Attack on One is an Attack on All

Gun Group’s Financial Dealings With Founder Spark State Investigation [More]

And now, the rest of the story… and I include this link because I want you to read it.

This “investigation” is a pretty naked lawfare/smear attempt to go ad hominem on someone at the forefront of effective Second Amendment legal defense cases to try and derail and harm them. It’s also meant to cause divisions and suspicions within the “gun community” over finances and relationships with other Gottlieb holdings for marketing, rent, and other services, which have never been a secret. SAF/CCRKBA tax filings are available to anyone on Guidestar, and before calling shenanigans, document what those would cost the SAF/CCRKBA nonprofits if they were provided by someone else.

For an impartial third-party opinion, Charity Navigator doesn’t have a dog in this fight. Let’s see what they have to say:

“Good – This charity’s score is 77%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.”

I wonder if it will come out if anyone from out of state, including groups, politicians, and federal agencies, is a silent partner in this.

This isn’t just a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I’ve had some differences with Alan over the years, including some ongoing ones, and am on good terms with people who admire him and with people who can’t stand him, but what’s happening to him here is pure filth by evil interests that want you and me disarmed.


I hope my speculation on silent partners is followed up on because this revelation shows the relationships are baked in.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “An Attack on One is an Attack on All”

  1. I’m heartened to see that Adam Kraut is handling this. Kraut is a hell of a good lawyer, and a mensch besides.

  2. And on an individual level, how many people have been attacked with made up crimes becoming political prisoners of the state?

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