A Historical Understanding

So, when gun-control advocates claim that mass shootings represent a special case that the Founders never knew about or could have predicted, they’re wrong. Right now, they’re using the nation’s anger and fear over mass shootings to push for a raft of new gun-rights restrictions. But those laws will probably violate the Constitution, for reasons the Supreme Court has made crystal clear. [More]

It’s interesting how those who want to erase the Founders from the collective memory are always presuming to tell us what they understood.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Historical Understanding”

  1. The mental midgets that now run our country presume themselves wiser than those who created it.

    “Creepy Joe” Brandon , Chuckie “Da Weasel” Schumer, and “Princess Nancy” Pelosi would have never been sent to the Continental Congress. The three of them just don’t have the “gravitas.”

    Occasionally one runs across those who fail to understand that respect is something earned, not demanded.

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