Anybody Want to Buy a Bridge?

Who Is Really To Blame For The ATF Bump Stock Ban Rule? [More]

Donald Trump and the NRA.

There’s a totally fabricated after the fact face-save ploy that it was really brilliant 3D chess designed to save us meme that’s suddenly circulating is utterly without corroborating evidence.

You don’t gamble with someone else’s stakes.

Get back to me when you have memos and emails from the decision makers proving me wrong and I’ll apologize.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Anybody Want to Buy a Bridge?”

  1. Bump stocks, unfettered ATF rule-making, oh, and bogus warp speed vaccines…nothing to see here.
    Wake me when the massive deportations start.

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