As a Rule

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone made the announcement of the decision on Friday in a written message to Speaker Pelosi that has since been published on the San Francisco Archdiocese’s website. [More]

What, the one that resulted in this over the weekend when I tried to access it?

I see Legion is adding its voices into the mix

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “As a Rule”

  1. “when I tried to access it?”

    Looks like the Archdiocese’s website is now protected by Cloudflare against DDOS attacks. Wonder how recent that is.

  2. She has issued her response, which summed up is basically, “I respect their opinions, but they shouldn’t be able to foist their opinions on the rest of us.”

    I don’t expect her to recognize, let alone appreciate, the irony of that statement.

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