Asked and Answered

But the Second Amendment isn’t an inkblot on the Constitution. It means something. Can that possibly not include a right to own the gun that claims to be America’s bestselling rifle? [More]

Is it an arm?

Then the right of the people to keep and bear it shall not be infringed.

Anyone who says otherwise is just a liar.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Asked and Answered”

  1. I can think of few strategies that are stupider than writing a document that protects a number of your specific rights from the government, then delegating its interpretation and enforcement into the hands of the very government it ostensibly protects you from.

  2. They know exactly what it says.

    They just don’t like what it says.

    And they’d like to continue pretending it doesn’t say what it says.

    So the things they say and do are not motivated by ignorance but rather by denial.

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