Assume the Crash Position

House Intelligence Chair Says US at ‘Highest Level’ of Potential Terrorist Threat – The threats are ‘no longer speculative’ and ‘not longer hypothetical,’ Rep. Mike Turner said. [More]

Brought to you wholly by the United States government.

And its response will be to tighten the screws on you.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Assume the Crash Position”

  1. Will Israeli “art students” be watching and cheering as an American building burns again? Funny how the great intelligence agencies missed all of that.

  2. Translation….a false flag event is guaranteed and will happen soon. And will be blamed on white nationalists… i.e normal America.

  3. Couldn’t find the full quote but it goes something like:

    “Mistakes were made.
    The innocent will be punished
    The guilty will be held blameless.”

  4. Proceed with deliberate speed to disarm most of us, the better to assure bigger body counts.

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