Did you know that every time you search for guns or ammo online, someone’s watching? Well you probably already know, but if you think it’s just the algorithms that feed you ads, think again—the ATF is also watching your searches. Worse, they use your digital activity to shape bans and enforcement actions. And no, we’re not fear mongering here. Published reports confirm that your searches are being tracked, analyzed, and even used to forecast so-called “threats.” [Watch]
The question then becomes what do Donald Trump and whomever he appoints to head the Bureau intend to do about this?
[Via 1Gat]
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
TSA Facial Recognition Scanning Spreading, Part of Planned ‘Across The Board’ Biometric Future [More]
Get your own SKU/QR code!
And just imagine the AI-enhanced deep fake/identity theft opportunities for hackers and those let into the system with bribes!
The ultimate goal, of course, isn’t just to categorize travelers. How many millions of unvetted illegal immigrants are occupying territory in this country again who won’t be affected one bit…?

[Via Michael G]