California’s ‘Control Me Because I Can’t Control Myself’ Bill

This bill would require the Department of Justice to develop and launch a system to allow a person who resides in California to voluntarily add their own name to, and subsequently remove their own name from, the California Do Not Sell List, with the purpose of preventing the sale or transfer of a firearm to the person who adds their name, as specified. [More]

So… what the hell are they doing out without a custodian?

“Voluntary,” of course, means coereced to keep from having worse charges filed. Hey, why should people who don’t respect the Second Amendment care about the Fifth?

The feds tried this crap and never did explain where they get the authority from.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “California’s ‘Control Me Because I Can’t Control Myself’ Bill”

  1. If passed, and if knuckleheads ‘add’ themselves whether pushed to or not, I’d wager they may never ‘remove’ themselves.
    Oh well, it’s a California thing until it spreads.

  2. You cannot voluntarily renounce any of your other creator endowed constitutionally protected rights. So what, in their view, makes the Second Amendment protected Right to Keep and Bear Arms any different than the others?

    Only the fact that those on the left hate and fear that one at a level reserved for it and it alone.

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