Ce n’est pas Charlie

Police find scores of guns at French star Delon’s home [More]

It’s sounds like he’s far enough gone to where there’s no point in hauling him in, and whichever squabbling heir thought it would work to their advantage to rat him out is going to see the estate diminished in fines.

I guess he wasn’t about to be Charlie, either.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Ce n’est pas Charlie”

  1. Words don’t seem to mean quite what they used to, but back in the old days “a score” was 20 of something. So “scores” would be at least 40. I’m not sure if that is “an arsenal” or “a vault full” but he’s pretty much got my “safe full” beat.

    I know! I know! Right answers are Racist. Been there and done that, bought the T-shirt, use it to wax my truck.

    Sue me.

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