Challenging the Challengers

Judge Phil Journey, Rocky Marshall, Dennis Fusaro, and [myself] Jeff Knox have all secured enough petition signatures from NRA Voting Members to have our names on the ballot in the 2024 Director Election… [More]

So, which one of you guys want to either provide responsive answers to my challenge or admit the “single issue” connection and tell us what you’re going to do about it?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Challenging the Challengers”

  1. Wayne & Co. are apparently doing their best to obscure what’s really happening inside the NRA. But based on what info has made it into view, the membership numbers have dropped, but the reported income has dropped a lot more. So based on that, it would seem that the people who did the heavy lifting and contributed an outsized share of the money have already left. In more or less chronological order:

    So whether or not Ms. James gets to dismember the corpse, whether or not Mr Knox and friends get on the board, the NRA we remember is probably doomed to languishing on the sidelines in irrelevancy like the NAACP.

    We can either vote for Knox & Co. or throw our ballots in the trash. Probably not much difference either way but I can’t see how voting for them from a “lesser of two weevils” point of view has much of a downside.

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