Chippie Off the Old Block?

“I have 4 daughters that play the game, 3 at the college level. We’ve always had that occasional idiot in the crowd, but never an atmosphere like this.” — Marvin Richardson, father of Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson who was called racial slurs during a match at BYU [More]

So what, actually, was said? Be nice if there was– you know — evidence to back up the accusations. Which there apparently isn’t.

Kinda makes you wonder if ol’ Marvin is this fast and loose with dangerously prejudicial allegations in his capacity as a highly placed administration ATF mucky-muck — and why he wasn’t so identified by the CNN “Authorized Journalist.”

[Via Andy M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “Chippie Off the Old Block?”

    1. recipient of numerous Special Act Awards for outstanding service such as the Treasury Department’s Hostile Action Medal for service during the 1993 Branch Davidian conflict in Waco, Texas

      A real pos hero

  1. Left unmentioned is the grandmother, a racist Democrat running for a judgeship in Fort Worth, with a history of anti-white postings (now hidden but still available, and apprently responsible for the lion’s share of the “stirring” over this incident.

  2. Could have been worse.

    She could have been raped by the Lacrosse team.

    Or had hateful message posted on her dorm room door

    One can only wonder, if a rigorous research study were to look into what percentage of “hate crimes” reported in the USA were hoaxes, would we be looking at this in an entirely different light?

    But that’s one study you will never see from the hard core leftists in academia.

    But there may be a crack developing in that wall.

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