Conspiracy Against Rights

A new law gives Maryland leaders the ability to sue the gun industry for their wrongful actions. This is a major step in holding the gun industry accountable when they break the law and exacerbate America’s gun violence crisis. [More]

There’s a solution.

But it requires someone with the will to use it.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Conspiracy Against Rights”

  1. No government has rights.

    All rights are retained by We the People.

    Governments have powers delegated to them by We the People.

    And, no, this is not mere semantics. Powers can be “undelegated” by those who delegated them in the first place whereas rights are endowed in perpetuity.

  2. What “wrongful actions”? Name them.

    Oh, I forgot. To the cretins at GIFFORDS, helping enable free people to exercise a God-given Constitutionally-protected right IS the “wrongful action”.

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