Continuously Unanswered Insults

New York sues 10 gun distributors for allegedly flooding streets with ghost guns – The lawsuit seeks to ban the defendants from selling certain parts in New York. [More]

So when is NSSF going to lead the industry in telling New York to go to hell when it wants guns and servicing for its enforcers?


[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Continuously Unanswered Insults”

  1. Looks like the brand new platform came complete with its own brand new way to throw bad links… ☹️

    1. Nah, that was me doing an NP (Negligent Posting as opposed to Accidental Posting) trying to hurry and not checking before I hit “Publish.”

  2. “The state’s suit marks the first time the newly enacted Public Nuisance law is being invoked, according to the attorney general’s office. The statute allows gun distributors and manufacturers to be held liable for actions that harm public safety.”

    Wow. It really IS Reconstruction all over again… isn’t it.

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