Contradiction in Terms

COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom. Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY. [More]

How does the John Kerry saying go?

He was for it before he was against it?

An angry reader canceled his Firearms News subscription and had some choice words for me about this.

He must have only read the parts he wanted to before storming off, like the title, because I thought I’d explained myself:

This is not an exercise in piling on and kicking a man when he’s down, nor an invitation for the wrong-headed rebuttal common among those who still think the guy is some kind of Second Amendment 4D chess master, “Would you rather [insert Democrat gun-grabber here] were president instead?”

No, of course not. By the same token, we are not doing ourselves or those depending on us to stand for freedom any favors if we deliberately ignore Trump’s willful failures on guns. Because this is going to end one of two ways – strengthening his renewed bid for a return to the White House, or ending any chances of it. If he wins, we need to be able to collectively influence his 2A decisions and judicial appointments and get him to understand what the bad ones are before he makes them. If he loses, we need to be ready to do the same with whomever the Republicans nominate to carry the standard.

Denying reality, complimenting the Emperor’s exquisite, nonexistent wardrobe, and attacking observations so simple a child can see them not only guarantees more destructive disappointments, it aids and abets the rights swindlers who will take infringements any way they can get them.

It also, ultimately, hurts Donald Trump’s candidacy. The people he needs the most — those who can think beyond the self-promoting rhetoric — know when it’s not raining.

But I don’t suppose it’s in the guy to ever admit he’s been wrong about anything, show he understands why he was wrong, apologize, and detail how he’s going to fix the damage and then make it better… and that’s too bad for all of us.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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