Coyote Attack Advice Silent on Personal Defense

“When seconds count, police are minutes away” takes over, and the only rational and effective “Action Plan” is “Stop the Threat.” [More]

If you’re going to listen to bureaucrats on keeping safe from animal attacks, you might as well just put on a crash helmet and roller skates, and strap an Acme Rocket to your back.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Coyote Attack Advice Silent on Personal Defense”

  1. Taking coyote-defense advice from people who will never see a coyote, is like taking personal-defense advice from people who hire armed bodyguards.

    It’s always fascinating to watch people who never deal with real problems presume to tell the rest of us how we should deal with them.

  2. I let them do their thing, until they start coming in close to the yard and our dogs.

    Then I shoot one, and they stay away for quite a while.

    Your mileage may vary, anecdote and not data, caveat emptor.

    Pretty sure the wolves will start eating bacon-soaked sponges soon.

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