One thought on “Dangerous to Whom?”

  1. Jennifer Szalai is apparently another victim of our public education system who thinks she’s living in a democracy, because that’s what she was always told.

    She might be alarmed to find out that the Founders both hated and feared democracy, viewing it as nothing more than mob rule, and were determined that the new country they were imagining should never become one.

    That’s where the perceived “dangers” inherent in the Constitution lie. It stands directly across the path of those who would “correct” the Founders anti-democratic “mistakes”, Ms. Szalai points out several of them, and convert the Founders’ carefully crafted republic into the democracy that people like Ms. Szalai been told, incorrectly, that they’re living in.

    I’m guessing that when her class recited “and to the republic for which it stands” she mumbled the words like most of the rest of the half awake children without looking for any meaning inherent in them, or perhaps she went to one of the more enlightened schools where such archaic ceremonies have been done away with.

    Either way, she and others are trying to “fix” something that they don’t understand and isn’t broken in the first place.

    It’s our job to make sure that they don’t succeed.

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