Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the…


You start out with a point but take a fast slide to the Democrat talking points bottom from there.

So in other words, all this time you were pretending to be a leader you were a fraud.  You and Jorge ought to get together, both acting like you support RKBA while giving aid and comfort to its enemies…

[Via Andy M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the…”

  1. I suppose his stand depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
    IF we accept a very broad definition of “mental health” he could be close to correct.
    Children these days are rrely raised leaning how to deal with conflict, disappointment, hearing the word “NO”, delayed gratification, etc. They are taught that the solution to an interpersonal problem is to take a time-out, then simly avoid the antagonist. They are trained NOT to deal with the stresses of life, and are protected at every turn. IF groiwing up NOT learning how do interact with others is considered “mental illness” than this guy is correct.

    Personally I’ve always been a strong advocate of the biblical mandate FATHERS teach your children…. so many “fathers’are no more involved with their offpsring than having been a sperm donor to the biology experiment resulting in yet one more ossupant of this planet. Add in the not-so-hidden message that any such “product”, once conceived, can be easily “terminated’ at will by those responsible for the existance of that “product” with absolutely no moral legal consequences.

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