3 thoughts on “Don’t Shill for the ATF”

  1. 1. In a capitalist system, individuals and corporations own and control the means of production.

    2. In a communist system, the state owns and controls the means of production.

    3. In a facist system, individuals and corporations own the means of production which are then controlled by the state.

    Isn’t #3 also a definition of a public – private partnership?

  2. “campaign to ensure firearms remain beyond the reach of those who cannot be trusted to possess them.”
    Anyone who would say this is an ignorant moron or a lying traitor.

  3. It’s the NSSF. Dammit, I thought these jerks were on our side. I hate being gullible.
    NSSF, look at that slick haired weasel you are “partnering” with. He sweats smarm, and it stinks.
    What next, a case of Bud Light for every gun turned at local “buybacks”?

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