Easy Enough to Fix

McCaul: We Can’t Make Weapons Fast Enough ‘to Protect the United States or our Allies’ and Don’t Have Deterrence in Taiwan [More]

Well, with Democrats doing their best to disarm those recognized by the Founders as “being necessary to the security of a free State,” you gotta wonder how much of the treason is intentional as opposed to just ignorant.

As for Taiwan, let ’em arm and train their own citizens. I’m not willing to go die for suicidal tyranny lite and can’t very well expect any other American to.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Easy Enough to Fix”

  1. McCaul laments the shortfall in military mfg. capability only because he’d happily see us openly fighting on Uke’s eastern front.
    This from a guy who ran for the CONgress on his Clear Channel Communications’ wife’s fortune and pimped his time in service as having ‘manipulated satellites’.
    We’re in a hole and he is doing nothing to at least stop digging.

  2. “We Can’t Make Weapons Fast Enough ‘to Protect the United States or our Allies’ ”

    We can, and we have in the past, but some on both sides of the pond are still trying to suck every possible drop of juice out of that “peace dividend” we were told we were getting.

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