Elites Worried About Violent Rebellion Fear Monster They Helped Create

Ironically, the main impediment to any of this happening is what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State,” an armed citizenry capable of organizing and repelling “enemies foreign and domestic,” the very people these myopic billionaires in their arrogance and hubris are helping to finance AstroTurf citizen disarmament edicts against. [More]

Cake isn’t what the collectivist mob intends to eat.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Elites Worried About Violent Rebellion Fear Monster They Helped Create”

  1. Back a while ago, at a neighborhood meeting, a guy from down the street told a Coral Gables cop that he didn’t want his neighbors carrying concealed weapons because he didn’t want to be shot.

    The cop asked him what he had been doing that would make his neighbors want to shoot him.

    Sounds like some of these elite folks are having pangs of conscience.

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