Et Tu, Elon?

I haven’t been this enamored of “social media” since Facebook told me wishing readers a contemplative Bill of Rights Day violated community standards.

Since the only reason I’m on “social media” (which I use as advocacy media) is to promote my work and support the work of others, I don’t solicit for “friends” or “followers” for the exact reason that to do so WOULD be spamming. They “friend” or “follow” me first.

So what this tells me is either the share utilities on this blog or AmmoLand or Firearms News triggered this OR some prohibitionist “followed” me so they could lodge complaints when my stuff appears on their feed — and some kneejerk bureaucrat then kicked it into the penalty box without assessing legitimacy. If they can do that (and we’ve established they have networks for it), then the power to censor is in the hands of the antis.

Why don’t I just quit? Who else is going to promote my work by sharing my links — the ones asking that? And for reasons I detailed here.

And if my stuff is “spam,” how come every day I get multiple follower notices like this?

I’d like to find out if Musk believes all that stuff he says about free speech. So how does a relative nobody get a world-famous billionaire’s attention?

Guilty until proven innocent with no evidence presented and/or not being able to face your accuser is the stuff of tyranny.


I’m told “bugs,” and not the kind Greta wants us to eat.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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