Every Terrible Implement

M-16 Era Ends: Army’s 101st Airborne Division Receives Next-Gen Assault Rifles [More]

You and I can’t have those either, because they’re not “in common use.”

As long as we allow that to be defined by what’s popular for “self-defense” and sport as opposed to arms that soldiers bear, we’re giving the prohibitionists an out to screw us.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Every Terrible Implement”

  1. The first M16s were crap. Wall hanger, maybe. But own one to actually use for defense? Hard pass!

    By the time that the GIs work the bugs out of this new beast, the spare parts overruns will be showing up at SARCO and the bins at your local gun show. I’m sure people are already working out how to make a civilian receiver. Pretty sure YouTube will show us how to put the parts together.

    Besides, you don’t like guns anyway.


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