For the Children

Michigan Attorney General calls for ‘a drag queen for every school’ at civil rights conference [More]

I was wrong about thinking “mandatory” would take a few more years. The power pervert rights rapists intend to shove it in our faces and ram it down our children’s throats.

Did anyone really think “Live and let live” would ultimately be “tolerated”?

Or that subjecting defenseless young minds to satanic abuses won’t result in a sustainable percentage of broken souls filled with hate and a hunger for revenge?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “For the Children”

  1. This post triggered a half forgotten memory.

    Mike Vanderboegh often mentioned a man he met while working in hospital IIRC. The man forever changed Mike’s outlook on life by giving him a list of books. Later in life, Mike had lost the list and/or the books, but he was attempting to reconstitute the list and recollect the books and would occasionally mention one he remembered.

    I remember a book I read where a future human race had grown tired of the war between the sexes and had mandated that all infants would be kept in the hospital until they had medically and genetically been rendered into hermaphrodites: bearing the sexual characteristics of male and female.

    There was only one pronoun in their language: “Ser.”

    Alas, like Mike, I cannot recall the name of the book or its author.

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