From the ‘Our Democracy’ People

Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot [More]

These monsters think they can deny millions, most of whom are armed. And anyone who thinks this is about Trump is deliberately missing the point.

I’m breaking my own “easy on the cussing and for the most part avoid it” rule: These motherfucking treasonous Democrat apparatchiks really are bent on starting a civil war. Any president elected under these restrictions will not be legitimate and any orders will be unlawful and morally resistable against enforcers.

You’d better fix this, SCOTUS.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

8 thoughts on “From the ‘Our Democracy’ People”

  1. Even if it sticks (I hope not) Coloradans can still write in Trump…although the “authorities” will likely not count those votes. Republican delegates from Colorado can vote for Trump at the national convention. I don’t see how the State of Colorado can stop them from doing so. All of which is not meant to minimize the sheer arrogance of this ruling, or the authoritarian attitudes that inspired it.

    The question occurring to me is, if Trump carries Colorado in the national election in November, by write-in or otherwise, what will the Marxist-fascists do with the states electoral votes?

  2. Primaries are private ‘party’ activities, no?
    The ‘state’ simply administers them, aye?
    So WTF and who the hell do these clowns think they are?
    CO is lost, having given Brandon about a 15% edge over Trump the last time.

  3. Few commentators are exploring the depth of judicial chutzpah necessary to declare a man automatically guilty of a crime that he has not only never been tried and convicted for, but for which his persecutors have very deliberately not even formally ACCUSED him.

  4. President Kennedy said it best, addressing Kruschev. “When you make change by the ballot box impossible, you make change by cartridge box inevitable.” The huge loss in confidence in the legitimacy of elections will force Americans to give up “voting harder.” What will happen with another record number of votes going to the obviously wildly unpopular Joe “weekend at Bernies” Biden? They are rubbing our noses in the votefraud. 54% of Democrats want someone else to vote for. All the computer vote counting systems, with their pre-programed results, and suitcases of emergency Biden ballots at 2AM, and ballot harvesting wont fool anyone next time. We the people are on to their tricks.

    1. Source for Kennedy quote? We know he said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” but I haven’t seen where he talked cartridge boxes, which was a Frederick Douglass quote. And since additional examples of voting fraud are turning up all the time and the only responses we see are flaccid Krakens, where’s the evidence that a critical mass of “We the people” turning things around are going to do anything but complain in internet comments?

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