Further Confirmation

Robust analysis does not identify an association between increased lawful firearm sales and rates of crime or homicide. [More]


Then again, the control freak minds behind citizen disarmament aren’t interested in rationality and truth. Their media cheerleaders aren’t much interested in anything that doesn’t promote the narrative, either.

So that means if awareness about this is going to spread, it’s up to us.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Further Confirmation”

  1. “Then again, the control freak minds behind citizen disarmament aren’t interested in rationality and truth.”
    I’ll never forget the televised mugging of John Lott on PBS in 1997, right after he released “More Guns, Less Crime.” They made Lott defend his thesis alone, against three anti-gun researchers and a panel made up of four anti-gun luminaries, not a single ally. Hardware magnate John Hechinger reacted to Lott’s data with total disorientation, talking about “other” violent incidents outside what Lott had compiled (there weren’t any) and concluding with the bald-faced statement, “We’ve got to get rid of the guns.” Completely representative of his colleagues who already “know” their solutions and refuse to be confronted with facts.

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