Guerillas in the Mist

Packs of “Fighting Age Males” in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town [More]

Brought to you by the same people who want your guns and smear anyone who opposes their subversion as “the greatest threat.”

Only embedded domestic enemies bent on the downfall of the Republic and the destruction/subjugation of its people would enable this.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Guerillas in the Mist”

  1. You better be ready for the coming storm because they sure as halle aren’t coming here to wash cars and cut grass…..

  2. Remember when people were worried about why some of the governmet agencies were stocking up on ammo, and weapons? Government agencies that are not known for requiring them, and
    this all happened during Obama’s tenure by the way, I think now we know why, and where the hardware is going, and who will be recieving it!

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