Gun Kapos, Quislings, and Fudds, Oh My

In budget address, Gov. Mills takes swipe at gun safety citizen initiative [More]

Before celebrating this as a Road to Damascus conversion, keep in mind her preferred due process violation for disarming citizens relies on “Only Ones” (yellow flag) not family members (red flag). What struck me more than that:

Maine is the only state to have a yellow flag law, which Mills helped draft with help from the pro-gun Sportsmans Alliance of Maine.


[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Gun Kapos, Quislings, and Fudds, Oh My”

  1. I was orn in the USSR, lived through its collapse as an adult, was robbed in Russia 4 times, twice at a gunpoint, one of those times – by a russian police patrol in a big city in broad daylight, immigrated to the United States in 2000, been reading your website for the past at least 10 years (maybe, more).
    My point is:
    The more I watch what’s going on in this country, the more events and trends I see that make the US steadily turning into the Soviet Union.
    Of course, history never repeats itself (it rhymes), but the sheer amount, versatility and depth of similarities between modern-day America and the USSR are stunning… and getting more obvious by the day.

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