Half Empty or Half Full?

America’s 3D Printed Gun Problem Is Getting Worse and Spreading to the World [More]


It’s easy to miss the last sentence buried under an ad:

There was no mention in Monaco’s speech of tackling the problem of the guns themselves which the MCDs modify.

I repeat my question.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Half Empty or Half Full?”

  1. “And your father’s still perfecting ways of making sealing wax” — Rolling Stones

    Some people just can’t wrap their minds around the nature of the problem. If the traditional methods of gun control ever worked, they certainly don’t any more, and probably won’t in the future.

    Ban 3D printers? People will just make them from off the shelf hardware.
    Ban the sharing of .STL files? Third graders can and will use TinkerCad or the like to make new ones.
    Ban printer supplies? The first ones used string trimmer line. Can you see “universal background checks” being used to limit purchases of string trimmer line?

    Time to come up with another plan. Maybe criminal control?

    Hey! Don’t laugh! It was just a suggestion!

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