Have It Your Way

Burger King faces boycott after yanking ads from Rumble over Russell Brand accusations [More]

Someone at corporate decided joining the pile-on was the right virtue signal to send.

I guess the only logically consistent position to take is that Burger King is guilty and must be punished.

Say, maybe that’s the reason they’re trying to build up “woke” points…

OK, but what do dire consequences based on unproven allegations have to do with guns?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Have It Your Way”

  1. One of the commenters mentions that he has been boycotting BK for some time now over Second Amendment issues. I don’t have any knowledge of such. Certainly I’ve never seen a BK anywhere posted. Do you know anything?

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