High Anxiety

Parson calls recreational marijuana ballot question a “disaster” [More]

It will be if voters aren’t fully informed of ATF’s position. Will they be before the vote or will it be an unpublicized surprise that individuals will find out about one at a time?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “High Anxiety”

  1. I do not understand the bastardization of state constitutions. I just downloaded Missouri’s. It’s 167 pages in a PDF. Medical cannabis takes up 14 pages. That is not what constitutions are for. That’s what legislatures are for.

    And crimes involving dispensaries are not uncommon.

    And if smoking cigarettes is bad for you, how is smoking unfiltered pot just dandy?

    1. “That’s what legislatures are for.”

      Might vary from state to state, but generally stuff gets put into a constitution to take it out of (easy) reach of the legislature.

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