If By ‘Honors’ She Means Takes a Steaming Dump On…

Fortunately (and predictably, at least for the present):

Prognosis 1% chance of being enacted

It’s another try at this piece of treasonous Democrat subversion:

This Act may be cited as the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act or the GOSAFE Act.

In other words, Democrat gasbags are doing what they always do on guns: Gaslighting.

As an aside, McBath was a panelist for the Astroturf 97percent phonies who pretend to represent “reasonable” gun owners, and she let slip she was appealing to Fudds because “Bringing them into these discussions really helps us understand better ways to infiltrate…”

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “If By ‘Honors’ She Means Takes a Steaming Dump On…”

  1. A question that should always be asked, without ever really expecting a sensible answer would be “If what you’re proposing is not an infringement of RKBA, give us an example of something you think would be.

    Always expect ducking and weaving that would make a Georgia “Bulldog” running back proud.

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