The CRAZIER the Woke Fascists become, the more SANE even long time Toker and Leftist Bill Maher becomes, and is well on his way to becoming ‘Conservative’: because THAT’s HOW FAR LEFT the Woke Fascists have gone and are trying to take the country with them! [More]
Maher will never be a pal, but it doesn’t hurt having him out there using Alinsky Rule 5 against true believer Marxists and all their useful idiots.
Thank you David for the hyperlink to my FB post! I truly do appreciate it!
I must add that the mere FACT that Bill Maher has finally come to the same conclusion we’ve been talking about for what, a couple of DECADES or more, is a positive event; not that the Woke Religionists will accept his words at face value, much less actually cogitate upon them: to do that would take actual HONESTY, which is a commodity they do NOT possess!
Relating to the coming elections, I’m up in the air pertaining to the outcomes, state by state, and especially what those potential outcomes present Cocaine Mitch and Used Car Salesman McCarthy. I doubt they’ll have any clues as to what a true ‘Red Wave’ means in real, raw political power terms, because their entire mantra is ‘status quo’ no matter what the say on the surface. What I fear is that the standard Dem Drones in the Usual Suspects Cities; Chi-town, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland, Seattle, Frisco, Austin, D.C., NYC, etc., will ignore their own economic pain and suffering, the bodies in the streets, and the blood swamped ER’s all over those cities: they’ll vote Dem yet again.
My view of our fellow citizens in Metro Environs wasn’t great to start with, but after this election, if what I believe MAY in fact become the case yet again, I’m completely done with the whole sorry lot: no more will I listen to the tales of woe and loss from them.
Cheers from the Oil Patch in Central WY