In the Final Analysis He’s Right

Neither the law nor the Second Amendment prevents Congress from banning such weapons. [More]

They’ve proven over the years they can do practically anything they want and mere words on paper won’t stop them.

And we will not disarm.

Your move, domestic enemies.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “In the Final Analysis He’s Right”

  1. Look…all the rest of The Crap makes it to the Streets still. ???duh.

    Are you kidding me, the Shear Numbers circulating already.😂😂

    Reality is…It means ZERO.
    Hell, they can’t control Nuclear “Information” Exchange.😂😂

    they “Actually” wanna ….”party.” Thennnn..we got somethin.
    Yup we’ll have hooked into somethin then Mr.
    Choices will need to be made.

    This aint rocket science.
    We know, they know, everyone knows.

    If the israelis can set up shop….

  2. Banning something or a behavior is not the same as removing that something or behavior from society.

    By and large, the American people have shown a rather contrarian response to laws they do not support or agree with. Examples of this are simply too numerous to list, but prohibition, the national 55 mph speed limit, and the ineffectiveness of Henry Anslinger’s national anti-marijuana crusade are some of the most obvious.

    One that is rarely mentioned is the change in popularity of the AR15 platform before, during, and after the 1994 AWB. Before the ban, Colt was having real problems selling its ugly black rifle. Then, in 1994, FedGov said we couldn’t have them. The Assault Weapons Ban (that banned flash hiders and bayonet lugs but allowed AR15s and AK47s that didn’t have them) created a collector’s market for “pre-ban” examples and a demand for all of them.

    A case could be made that the ban turned a rifle Colt was having trouble selling into “America’s Rifle.”

    And FedGov is about to do it again.

    1. This is an act of desperation to regain their voter base who are being driven away by Biden, his handlers and $6/gallon gasoline. A blatant 2nd Amendment violation, even more so than the “scary looking parts” ban of 1994.

      In my opinion, if this passes, it is a call to war! When they come and say, “hand over your assault weapons”, and we say “NO”, they will presumable start shooting. That will be the start of the third American civil war. And my advice would be, after use of deadly force is authorized, make sure you kill every single one of them.

      1. “When they come and say, “hand over your assault weapons”, and we say “NO”, they will presumable start shooting.”

        Either that, or they will start applying hand sanitizer.

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