Just Here for the Ratioing

So “Only Ones” can’t protect us…? And this evil little idiot’s solution is to not allow us to protect ourselves? And have them kill us if we don’t comply?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Just Here for the Ratioing”

  1. The more that little fairy with a fed father speaks, the better for the pro gun side. The GOP would not have won the governor and senate races in 2018 Florida if not for him being so vocal.

    He is the perfect face of gun banners: below average IQ who believes he is a top 1%, effeminate and emotional, an Ivy League graduate who had zero basis for even being accepted, a father in federal law enforcement from a privileged background, etc.

  2. Someone needs to clue David Pigg into reality…..that if we want his opinions we’ll flush.

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