Kings of the Mountain

Border Patrol Agent Tells Reporter That a Mountain in New Mexico is ‘Not Ours’ Anymore – “‘It’s theirs.’ Referring to Cartels.” [More]

Funny, the hostile territorial incursions the government is willing to spend billions going to war against…

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Kings of the Mountain”

  1. Can you imagine being a rancher along the US/Mexico border and looking up a hill on your property and seeing a Cartel observation team the top looking back at you? Can you imagine knowing that after dark, Mexican organized crime had more control over your property than either you or your government did? Can you imagine knowing that the Federal government was aware of all of that and couldn’t care less?

    Can you imagine being that rancher and also being a Biden supporter?

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