Lack of Progress Report

White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention YEAR ONE PROGRESS REPORT [More]

Funny, how they claim “the Department of Justice reporting that, from January to June, homicides dropped 17% compared to the same time last year. In addition, data from the Gun Violence Archive indicates that the number of mass shootings to date in 2024 has decreased by 20 percent compared to the same period last year” during a time of surging gun sales.

For some reason, Pete Buttigieg didn’t respond.

He hasn’t explained the report flaws, either, where the media is pushing misleading crime stats to echo the Democrat narrative, but instead just links to an Axios report as if that’s proof.

And we know how reliable they are

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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