Liars Lie

The report repeats bogus “ghost gun” claims, which have already been debunked by dozens of senior law enforcement sources and a congressional whistleblower. In other words, ATF submitted a report to the President and to the Attorney General of the United States containing information it knew was false. [More]

Hey, when they know they can lie under oath with impunity…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Liars Lie”

  1. Good thing they put the “Disinformation Governance Bureau” on hold at exactly the right time, or they might be in real trouble.

  2. Regarding the number of “ghost guns” – ” “Forty-one percent, so almost half our cases we’re coming across are these ‘ghost guns,’” Canino said.”

    41% is closer to one third (33.3%) than it is to one half (50%). Bias much?

  3. What, exactly, is a “ghost gun?”

    That kind of depends on who you’re asking, or who gets to make the definition that sticks in the public’s (or politician’s) brains. Like “assault weapon” it is a term of deception created for political purposes, and pretty much tells you nothing in and of itself.

    If we are to accept one qualifying factor, that “ghost gun” refers to a gun that cannot be traced, at least one estimate suggests that a full 80% of the firearms in circulation in the world today qualify as “ghost guns.”

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