Mansplaining Your Options, Gals

As an alternative to carrying a gun, Hemenway suggests women who feel threatened choose a different route or run during the day, in groups. If a woman feels she needs protection, “bear spray is much safer to use and just as effective as a gun would be,” he says. [More]

Sometimes, all you need to do is present… and he doesn’t seem to factor in multiple assailants.

I wonder how he’d fare…

Who’d pay good money to watch?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Mansplaining Your Options, Gals”

  1. “Blame the Victim”.
    Well in some cases…
    Going about before light or after dark.
    How few people are running “naked”, as in “not with headphones on listening to music or something leaving them at an awareness stage less than Cooper’s White”.
    How many run the exact same route, every time, at the same time, thus leaving it up to an assailant “where to find them in a time/place best for an attack”.
    (it doesn’t have to be a woman, men can be attacked/robbed/etc)

    Locally (Westerville) the “jogging/bike path” going up the old rail line has about a bazillion places, trees, and dark spaces, where one with nefarious intent could lay in wait.
    I have heard that it doesn’t happen often, but it has happened.
    (the graffiti on buildings which otherwise would have no audience illustrates there’s occasionally bad things which happen.)

    If one looks like food, they might be eaten.
    Just because one has done something stupid for years and nothing happened, doesn’t mean it was a smart thing to do.

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