One thought on “No More F***s to Give”

  1. Ol Teddie just don’t get it, do he?

    Not that long ago, he ORDERED hjis coppers to stand down, to allow, even encourage, destruction of federal properties, and commercial spaces, in downtown Portland. The cops were getting firebombed, blinded with lasers, beaten, iced water bottles hurled with huge slingshots, cop cars battered and overturned, burned, and Wheeler just did . Now of a sudden he wonders how the mess plopped into his backyard like a big pile of bull puckey?
    On his watch, crime, the homeless invasion, drug sales and usage, suicides, murder, random arson, muggings, shop invasion, etc, has boomed. And Wheeler wonders why?

    WHat I wonder is HOW did he rig the last election to survive and remain Portland’s “mayor”? There are parts of that city I simply will not enter any more, other parts I will not be in at night, and I used to cycle anywhere any time might or day and not even think about it When I heard about a shooting by some dirtbags hiding in the trees along one of the major bike paths, I quit using most of them, even in the daytime. Others I will ONLY use during the day. And I am armed whenever on my bike. Doesn’t make that much difference when they spring out of the bushes and knock you over then thump you to steal iour bike and stuff, leaving you curled up in a ball of pain.

    Nope, TeddyBoy you’re gonna have to grow up and FILL those politicians britches you volunterily put on a few years back. Face your failure and repent.. DO what a mayor is hired to do, which you have NOT done.
    With paul a TISH uns like him, who needs criminals?

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