Our New BFF?

Tulsi Gabbard told Tucker Carlson she couldn’t be a member of a party that’s against freedom [More]

So she’s “one of us” now?

And was he as enamored of her as he was with Eric?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Our New BFF?”

  1. Gabbard has never, to my knowledge, walked the walk for 2A.

    So no matter how well her message of ‘freedom’ rings, if she ignores, excludes, or actively seeks to limit the rights of free men we’ve nothing to discuss.

    Pretty good lookin’ and smooth talkin’ go only so far.

  2. She hasn’t had a chance of heart. She’s merely a “commie lite”….less radically insane than most leftists. She’s STILL an enemy of freedom.

  3. I don’t see that she’s applied for “recognition” from the GOP, nor would I expect the GOP to offer any (though there are those who certainly would).

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