Plan B

The mayor said he’s reaching out across the country and plans to put together a national working group to look at where cities can create no-carry zones: government designated safe-zones, or sensitive spaces, where concealed carry still would be restricted, even after licensing approval. “Because we don’t believe the Supreme Court is going to take up that aspect of it,” Adams said. “We believe there’s room for us to say, ‘OK, here’s where you can’t carry: subway systems, schools,’ we could restrict: ‘Ok, you no longer need a license. Well, here’s the restrictions of where you can’t carry.’ “That is what we’re putting together right now as a Plan B,” the mayor said. “Plan A is for them not to pass it.” [More]

He carries a gun, so he must be one of us! Right, Tucker?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Plan B”

  1. SCOTUS said governments can restrict arms in “sensitive places”.

    Addams says he’ll declare everything to be a “sensitive place.”

    The answer, of course, is for SCOTUS to apply “strict scrutiny” to all matters related to RKBA.

    Which they just might do before the end of their current term.

  2. Reminds me of when he read the “insightful” tweet of someone who had a twitter meltdown a month later.

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